Technology for Marketing
Some of our Digital Marketing consultants took a trip to the big smoke for the annual Technology for Marketing Conference held at Olympia last month.
Only Human
The theme for 2018 was “The Shift Back to Human.” With all the advancements in technology it can be easy to get carried away with predicting the future. Flying cars, robots, virtual reality all seemed impossible 30 years ago, but as the digital and technological world continues to grow rapidly – the impossible is looking all the more possible. The question posed at the TFM event was with the development of automation, artificial intelligence and chatbots to name a few, will these processes ever replace the human element of Digital Marketing and interaction?
Engage and Inspire
This year’s Technology for Marketing Conference explored the value of harnessing the human aspect of digital marketing in an increasingly digital world, and how a human perspective can re-engage customers, inspire new channels for interaction and unlock opportunities for maximising revenue.
We saw a range of exhibitors from Marketing Automation solutions to Business Intelligence platforms. Data Analysis systems to eCommerce providers.
We were treated to keynote speakers from international leading brands offering presentations, panel debates and an insight into the latest technologies and tools to improve customer experience.
At eppiq we are dedicated to keeping up with the latest and greatest Digital Marketing developments to be able to offer our clients a confident and effective approach to their business strategy.
Contact us today for more information on our Digital Marketing solutions.