Marketing for YouTube

We know that personalization is the key for most good Digital Marketing strategies with consumers preferring ads tailored to their needs, or online marketing relevant to their lifestyle.

YouTube reported a surge in users during lockdown looking for instruction or guidance on how to do everything from home hairdressing to DIY plumbing. With the developments in smart devices and viewing speeds it has never been easier to watch YouTube. Businesses had to adapt their online marketing strategies to think about the type of content consumers would be looking for.

Ofcom reported that during lockdown YouTube came out on top as the most-used online video service ahead of Netflix and BBC iPlayer. There is an estimated 500 hours of video uploaded every minute to YouTube so how do you make your online marketing effective?


Social Media or Social Streaming?


There is much debate as to whether YouTube is classed as a social media platform, but the classification shouldn’t matter. YouTube is a base to reach target audiences just as you would with any online platform. On a video based platform – content is also key! Having a well followed channel is vital to using it as a marketing tool, if you don’t post regular, relevant content then followers will start to drop away. Like most platforms, there is a scheduling option allowing the creator to effectively plan and set up content marketing ahead of time.




YouTube follows the same optimization principles as Google with videos ranking depending on titles, keywords and descriptions, plus they have their own recommendation algorithm which helps to keep videos relevant for the viewer based on their viewing history.




Standing out from the crowd is an effective marketing tool anytime, but on a platform as large as YouTube is it one of the most important things you can do. As viewers scroll through videos, what will make them stop and view your content? A catchy title, exciting thumbnail? If your video is purely to create awareness of a product or brand then something as simple as a punchy image could make the difference, but if you are trying to anticipate a viewer’s need, then a title that promises to solve a problem, or help with a situation is the way to go.

Being aware of the crowd is also important, so it is key to consider a thorough competitor analysis to make sure that viewers have a reason to click your video over the competition.


Stay in Touch with the Consumer


Analyze, report, review and tweak. YouTube is pretty clear cut when it comes to statistics. You can see how many people have viewed or shared a video, there is also the option of commenting on videos. It is important to be mindful of these comments and treat them as you would any social platform, responding to any issues quickly, engaging with people where possible. If content is not received well – change it! If videos are not viewed or shared then look at changing the perspective. Keep content to the point and interesting.


Eppiq Marketing have always considered YouTube a powerful Digital Marketing medium, for help with all your Digital Marketing needs get in touch today with one of our expert team.