Efficient & Effective Email Marketing
In the next couple of years there is expected to be over 4 billion email users worldwide. In 2021 alone there was an average of 293.6 billion emails sent and [...]
Digital Brands Online
If the ability to purchase a service or product physically is taken away, brand and digital presence is key. When markets return to normal, consumers and audiences will require those [...]
Adaptable Digital Marketing
The Digital landscape is constantly changing and evolving, so much so that standard good Digital Marketing practice, has always been to have a strategy that can be flexible and adapt [...]
Communication Matters
Today, being able to communicate is more important than ever. Where did communication begin and how it has revolutionized the way our world is operating at the moment. A [...]
Super Fast Strategies
5G - Has it changed the world? Revolutionized the way we live and set a new path for digital technology as we know it? One thing it has definately done [...]
TikTok Takeover
TikTok's mission is “to capture and present the world’s creativity, knowledge, and precious life moments, directly from the mobile phone. TikTok enables everyone to be a creator, and encourages users [...]
Cookies and Chrome
Google recently announced that they plan to block third party cookies in Chrome web browsers in the next couple of years. The idea behind this statement is that Google want [...]
Bring on the Buzz Words
There are always new developments in technology, software and consumer behaviour. As marketers we know how important it is to keep ahead of the game and offer our clients the [...]
Merry Christmas from eppiq Marketing
We would like to take this opportunity to say a big thank you to everyone we have worked with this year. We are proud to say we work with some [...]
End of a Digital Decade
With the end of the year approaching and as we move into another decade, we always look to the future and what it may hold for digital marketing. Before we [...]