First Impressions with Website Design
In a design led world your website is likely to be the first impression you give the audience. It's the showcase of the business, the information source for clients and [...]
Web Design Wonders for 2018
Websites are the digital face of a business. Any digital marketing efforts are pointless without a strong website to back them up. Businesses can have a fantastic digital marketing campaign, [...]
Are you prepared for the GDPR?
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) has been around for a couple of years, however it becomes mandatory from 25th May 2018.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
We would like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. We are excited for 2018 and all the possibilities it will bring. To boost [...]
You Never Know What Is Beneath The Surface
The World Wide Web is a huge place. But does anyone know how big it actually is? Think of it as an iceberg. At first glance it is a large piece of ice floating on the ocean, but look deeper and under the water it extends further than you expected.
How to keep Google Happy
Google dominates the organic search on the web. Let's be honest it pretty much controls the internet! How can you keep your website on Google's good side?
Fear of Digital Marketing?
Halloween is upon us, a time when being afraid is par for the course! Spiders, heights, clowns, all legitimate fears, but have you ever considered a fear of Digital Marketing? One of the greatest fears is fear of the unknown. The only way to overcome this fear is to learn, learn what is available to you, learn what's out there.
Consider Your Content
Too much content can overwhelm the audience. Companies once believed the more they published the greater their brand, everyone would be talking about said business and the digital world would be full of their content.
The Power of the Mobile Phone
Could you live without yours? With mobile phones overtaking desktop usage, having a current mobile marketing strategy is one of the most important steps you must take in your Digital Marketing. [...]