First Impressions with Website Design
In a design led world your website is likely to be the first impression you give the audience. It’s the showcase of the business, the information source for clients and the guide to potential customers.
What is it for?
When looking at your website it is important to consider the main purpose of it. Is the website a marketing tool? Is it for existing customers? Understanding why the website is out there is a key factor. If the website is trying to generate leads, and create customers, does it appeal to the target market? If the website is for customer retention, can the audience get what they want from it easily?
Here are some key factors to consider when looking at your website or when considering website design:
- Consistency: keep the website relevant to your brand, use the same fonts, colour schemes and styles throughout all marketing.
- Simplicity: make it easy to navigate the website, it should be straightforward and simple to get information, or see what you are offering.
- Relevance: adding content relevant to the product/service will not only keep the audience interested, it will help with search engine rankings and online visibility.
- Avoid errors: spelling mistakes, bad links, pages that load slowly are all off putting. If your website isn’t professional, potential customers may make the same assumptions about the business.
- Responsive: mobile and tablet usage has grown dramatically in recent years, websites that don’t adjust to the viewing device just won’t cut it anymore.
On the other end of the scale, here are a few things that are detrimental to website design:
- Slow loading pages or images.
- Too many colours or fonts.
- Repeated pop-ups.
- Flashing or distracting ads.
- Too many “fake” images.
For help with any aspect of website design, get in touch with eppiq today.