Elevate your online presence with SEO
In the digital world, a great website means little if it can't be found. That’s where SEO (Search Engine Optimization) comes in, and eppiq Marketing is at the forefront of [...]
Moving our Digital Marketing to 2023
With the end of 2022 almost upon us, we like to take this time to look forward to the new year ahead. This year, and it's trials, have taught us [...]
Play by the SEO Rules
Search Engine Optimisation is mostly known as the process of getting your website to the top of the Google search results. Using a keyword 10 times could mean the competition [...]
Adaptable Digital Marketing
The Digital landscape is constantly changing and evolving, so much so that standard good Digital Marketing practice, has always been to have a strategy that can be flexible and adapt [...]
Things That Turn Digital Marketing Dreams into Nightmares
In the Wizard of Oz the good witch wears white and the bad witch wears black. Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) has similar good vs evil definitions. White hat SEO is [...]
Tactical SEO and Mobile Updates
In 2017, 46.8% of the global population accessed the internet each day. Daily searches on Google are estimated at 3.5 billion. As technology grows - so do the search engines. [...]
You Never Know What Is Beneath The Surface
The World Wide Web is a huge place. But does anyone know how big it actually is? Think of it as an iceberg. At first glance it is a large piece of ice floating on the ocean, but look deeper and under the water it extends further than you expected.
How to keep Google Happy
Google dominates the organic search on the web. Let's be honest it pretty much controls the internet! How can you keep your website on Google's good side?